March 16, 2016

I have known Dave for a number of years now, first in a ‘personal development’ sense and later as a mentor and strategist in my family business. Since Dave began working with us in March 2010 he has created a space in which I have been able to look at the dynamics and the dysfunction of ‘The Family Business’. He has initiated a management structure for the business by bringing together the goals of stakeholders, staff and clients – no small task especially when I, the Managing Director, have been the driving force in the business for the past 36 years. His input has shown the light at the end of the tunnel and is pointing the way and gently but intelligently dealing with the issues that are impacting on our business. He is accepted by all as the ‘Honest Broker’ and is patiently chipping away at all the prejudices and biases that have built up over the past number of years. I am truly grateful for his input and anticipate with confidence a very positive long-term outcome