March 16, 2016
I first met Dave Gribben in early 2004 at a personal development workshop that we both attended. Since then I have had a number of instances of Dave enabling me to resolve an issue or confirm a decision and the great thing has been that this has not been through Dave “leading me to the answer”. Instead, it has been through his ability to facilitate and enable other people’s thinking. Thus, I think that he has picked a very appropriate name for his company.
Recently, in 2010, I got to a point in my own business where I decided that some business mentoring would be helpful.  I am now a client of Dave’s and am finding the process of working with him to be hugely helpful – from my viewpoint, it is time and money very well spent.  He has a great knack for getting me to confront the challenges that I need to address.  Having got to that point, he enables me to come up with ideas for action and he supplements that with helpful, very practical ideas based on his own experience.  As a bonus the sessions are enjoyable, thought provoking and energising.  In short, I highly recommend Dave and Enable Consulting to any individual or business that is serious about engaging with change with the aim of getting better business results.