March 16, 2016
In 2002 I was appointed to the position of Sales Director for Financial Engineering Network Ltd, a medium sized financial advisory company. At this time FEN’s expertise lay in providing innovative, state of the art solutions to meet its clients’ financial needs. However, it would also be true to say that one of FEN’s weaknesses was the lack of expertise in managing the business itself and the individuals within it – vital features of any successful business. Ultimately this resulted in members of the Management Team not reaching their full potential which naturally had a knock on effect to the bottom line of the business. This all changed with the appointment of Dave Gribben to the role of Managing Director in the summer of 2003.

Dave’s introduction to head the Management Team of FEN was vital to its success over the next 5 years. Dave not only led by example with myself and the other senior management but very importantly he coached and encouraged his direct reports to, in turn become the very best managers they could be. This was achieved whilst at all times being true to the values and goals of the business. I know at first hand how Dave’s approach benefitted the business from the day he first walked through the door.

I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Dave Gribben to any organisation that wants to achieve the very best in the manner in which they want to achieve it.